Anthony Rota (PC)
Hon. Anthony Rota (PC)
Member of Parliament for Nipissing—Timiskaming
Nipissing-Timiskaming benefitting from Canada Community Building Fund
May 17, 2023

Since 2019, over 70 infrastructure projects have taken place in the riding of Nipissing-Timiskaming with over $21 million provided through the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF).

The Honourable Anthony Rota, Member of Parliament for Nipissing-Timiskaming says, “Investments in infrastructure stimulate local economies and create jobs in addition to facilitating municipal growth. The funding over the years from the CCBF has greatly benefited our riding and our constituents.”

Some of the highlights include $4.5 million invested into the City of North Bay between 2020-2021 for various projects to rehabilitate area roadways, and over $2.1 million invested in improvements to its airport runway.

During that same time frame, the City of Temiskaming Shores invested $2.5 million into several local road’s projects.  

In East Ferris, their project to reconstruct a 2.4-kilometer section of Lake Nosbonsing Road was aided with nearly $700k from CCBF in 2021, while in Callander their project to reconstruct and rehabilitate King Street in 2019 was assisted with over $680k, while $40k was used for a new playground.

Other projects around the riding that received funding included; Powassan’s repaving of Spetz Avenue and Bridge Street, Mattawa’s sidewalk construction along Turcotte Park Road, Bonfield had a total of 11 culverts re-lined under Development Road, Nipissing Township had 6.5 kilometers of roads which received surface treatment, River Road in Chisholm Township was resurfaced, the Water System Pump in Temagami was replaced, and several Heritage Sites in Cobalt received funding to make efforts to better preserve those sites.

The funds for these projects were administered through AMO – who put together an online interactive map so Ontarians can explore these projects in greater detail.

“Investments from the Canada Community-Building Fund help municipalities across Ontario focus on priority infrastructure projects that have a tangible, local impact,” said AMO President Colin Best. “The stable nature of the fund allows local governments proactively plan for, and prioritize, infrastructure needs in their communities.”

Main office - North Bay
375 Main Street West
North Bay, Ontario
P1B 2T9


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Temiskaming Shores
17 Wellington St North
Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
P0J 1P0


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Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6


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