Anthony Rota (PC)
Hon. Anthony Rota (PC)
Member of Parliament for Nipissing—Timiskaming
Three French language organizations in Nipissing-Timiskaming receive increase in government funding
May 28, 2021

North Bay, May 28th, 2021

In every part of Canada, official language minority communities are working to keep their language and culture relevant, strong and thriving, including here in Nipissing-Timiskaming. That’s why the Honourable Anthony Rota, Member of Parliament for Nipissing-Timiskaming is happy to see three French language organizations receive an increase in funding starting in 2021-2022 and through 2023-2024, through the Action Plan for Official Languages.

Rota says, “French language and French culture make up a significant part of our history. Official language minority communities are working hard to keep their language and culture relevant, strong and thriving today and into the future. That’s why I’m so pleased to see the support for Association Canadienne-Francaise de l’Ontario Region Temiskaming, Le Centre Culturel Artem, and Les Compagnons des Francs Loisirs.”

$133,200 in total ($44,400 per year) will be allocated to the Association Canadienne-Francaise de l’Ontario Region Temiskaming.

Chair of the Board of Directors Patrick Boucher says, “ACFO-Témiskaming thanks the Minister, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, for her confidence. The funds will be used to fulfill our role as a leader in our beautiful Temiskaming region.”

Le Centre Culturel Artem will receive a total of $90,000 ($30,000 per year).

Réjeanne Bélisle-Massie, President of Le Centre Culturel Artem, says, “The ARTEM Cultural Centre has been recognized as one of the leading organizations in the Témiskaming community for several years. By working closely with its various partners, ARTEM is able to find innovative ways to stimulate cultural, artistic and community life in the Temiskaming region. Funding for the next three years will allow the ARTEM Cultural Centre to continue its many community projects, including Temiskaming Christmas Village, 101 Experiences, Collaboration Project, and organizations and workshops at Open Studio Libre.”

$136,800 ($45,600 per year) is allocated to Les Compagnons des Frances Loisirs

“Over the past year, like many other fields, performing artists have been particularly hard hit, unable to practice their profession in restaurants and concert halls. Despite this, the lockdown allowed us to better understand the importance of the arts in our lives. We watched movies and TV shows; we read; we watched publications of our artists on social media; and we participated in virtual performances. We were able to understand how the arts act as a unifying element in our society.”

He says, “are grateful to receive this DCLO grant from our federal government, allowing us to continue to carry out our mission, that of providing support, the enrichment and promotion of the Francophonie in our community, through arts and culture. Thanks to these funds and the commitment of our community, Les Compagnons will be able to continue offering our artists a platform, whether virtual or in person, and a gathering point for the Nipissing Francophonie.”

Rota says, “We have a role to play in protecting linguistic rights and bilingualism throughout Canada and especially right here in Nipissing-Timiskaming. Community organizations play a vital role in Canada's bilingual future by providing leadership and direction, while also ensuring access to services, resources as well as cultural and language activities. That’s why its so important to support these three organizations.”

The Government of Canada invested $1.37 million in 27 organizations in Northern Ontario. All organizations have received a minimum 20-percent increase since 2018.

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